Tinnitus is the impression of sound when there is no external stimulus present.

Dr Ronald Chin’s Way of Evaluating Tinnitus

Dr Ronald Chin’s Way of Evaluating Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the impression of sound when there is no external stimulus present. The sound can often be described as a buzzing or ringing in the ears. It can either be continuous or intermittent, non-pulsatile or pulsatile.

Tinnitus is a rather non-specific symptom with several possible causes. Adiditory causes may include presbycusis, acoustic neuroma, Meniere’s disease, ototoxic medications, and barotrauma or head injuries.

Vascular causes include arteriovenous malformation, arterial bruits, venous hums, and paraganglioma. Other causes include metabolic disease, TMJ dysfunction, and eustachian tube dysfunction. 

To investigate this, an audiogram is required. CT scans and MRI can also be considered as suspected of a rerocochlear lesion. A metabolic workup may also be considered.

Glue ear, after draining the ear drum

Glue ear, intact ear drum

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