Dr. Ronald Chin’s Way of Examining The Cranial Nerves

Dr. Ronald Chin’s Way of Examining The Cranial Nerves

During a head and neck examination, it is crucial to assess the cranial nerves

CN I – by evaluating smell sensation in each nostril

CN II –  is assessed for visual acuity in each eye individually

CN III, IV, VI – eye coordination is checked

CN V – perform sensory examination on the forehead, cheek, and chin, along with assessing the muscles used for chewing.

CN VII – through facial expressions and movements.

CN VIII – with tuning forks or whispering

CN IX, X – assess for sensation in the throat, including the posterior third of the tongue, palatal elevation, vocal cord function, and swallowing

CN XI –  check the strength of the sternocleidomastoid and trapeziu muscles to ensure proper functioning.

CN XII – evaluate tongue movement for strength

Glue ear, after draining the ear drum

Glue ear, intact ear drum