Dr. Ronald Chin’s Explanation Of The Anatomy Of The Ear

Dr. Ronald Chin’s Explanation Of The Anatomy Of The Ear

Dr. Ronald Chin’s Explanation Of The Anatomy Of The Ear

The ear can be divided into three parts: the inner ear, the middle ear, and the external ear. The outer ear comprises the Pinna and the External Auditory Canal (EAC).

The Pinna comprises elastic cartilage surrounded by skin on either side. It channels sound waves into the external auditory canal, where the sound waves transmit to the tympanic membrane. The external auditory canal comprises a lateral cartilaginous portion and a medial bony portion.

The middle ear is made up of 2 parts: the Tympanic Membrane. It’s an oval-shaped membrane composed of the outer squamous, middle fibrous, and mucosa. And Middle ear cavity. In the centre of the tympanic membrane is an air-filled space containing ossicles, which are the malleus, incus, and stapes. The Eustachian tube connects it with the nasopharynx, and the adirtus connects it with the mastoid air cells.

Lastly, the inner ear comprises the vestibular system with semicircular canals and the cochlea.

Glue ear, after draining the ear drum

Glue ear, intact ear drum

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