Dr. Ronald Chin’s Explanation Of The Physiology Of Hearing
Dr. Ronald Chin’s Explanation Of The Physiology Of Hearing
Hearing is a complex process where the ear converts vibrations into what our brain preserves as sound. First, the sound waves come into the tympanic membrane. Then, the membrane causes a displacement of the auditory ossicles.
That movement in the staples at the oval window creates pressure waves in the perilymph of the vestibular duct. The waves distort the basilar membrane on its way to the round window of the tympanic duct. The vibrations of the basilar membrane then vibrate the hair cells against the tectorial membrane.
The information in the region and insensitivity caused by it is then relayed to the CNS over the cochlea branch of the carnival nerve VIII. Information from each ear is passed through both sides of the brain, giving it some protection from brain injuries.
Glue ear, after draining the ear drum
Glue ear, intact ear drum