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Dr Ronald Chin’s Take On Airway Foreign Body

The Airway foreign body is the aspiration of a foreign object that can impair oxygenation and ventilation. The majority of the cases occur in children under 3 years. Most common foreign bodies include seeds, peanuts, paperclips, and coins. Most of the aspirated foreign bodies sit in the right main bronchus.

Symptoms of this depend on the size, shape, and location of the foreign body as well as the age of the patient. Common symptoms usually include cough, increased breathing effort, and stridor accompanied by unilateral wheezing.

CXR and CT scans are used to investigate this. To treat this, rigid bronchoscopy is used to remove foreign objects as soon as possible. For patients with completely blocked airways, back blows, and Heimlich maneuvers are attempted first.

Glue ear, after draining the ear drum

Glue ear, intact ear drum

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