Dr Ronald Chin’s Explanation Of Mastoiditis

Dr. Ronald Chin’s Standpoint On Mastoiditis

Dr. Ronald Chin’s Standpoint On Mastoiditis

Mastoiditis is the inflammation of mastoid air cells. It starts as a middle ear infection. It’s often more prevalent in children than adults. It used to be a common cause of death for children, but now it can be easily cured and isn’t a big threat. 

It’s generally caused by AOM complications and agents like streptococcus pneumoniae, M. catarrhalis, and H. influenzae. 

The mastoid bone may become infected as a result of the ear infection. The structure of the bone resembles a honeycomb and can break down when filled with infected substances.

The symptoms of mastoiditis usually include otalgia, hearing loss, lethargy, ear discharge, fever, erythema and swelling, protrusion of the ear, and postauricular tenderness.

Glue ear, after draining the ear drum

Glue ear, intact ear drum

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